Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Chapters 25-27 - Questions

Chapter Twenty-Five

1. What is chasing the Tributes?

2. Why don't the creatures kill Cato quickly once they have him overpowered?

3. How does Cato finally die?

4. What is the Gamemakers' final surprise?

5. How do Kat and Peeta outsmart the Gamemakers' last twist?

Chapter Twenty-Six

1. How does Katniss surprise herself when she sees Haymitch?

2. According to Haymitch, why is Katniss in trouble?

Chapter Twenty-Seven

1. Why is Peeta upset?

Monday, December 1, 2014

Chapter 24 - Questions

1. Why do the Gamemakers dry-up the river and ponds?

2. Why doesn't Cato attack Kat and Peeta?

Chapter 24 - Vocabulary

1. anticipated 
We take turns gathering greens and keeping a careful watch for Cato, but as I anticipated, he doesn't make an appearance.

2. deplete
Our bottles and skin are fairly full, but with two drinking and this hot sun it won't take long to deplete them.

3. compliment
As the notes overlap, they compliment one another, forming a lovely, unearthly harmony.

4. mesmerized
For a while, I just close my eyes and listen, mesmerized by the beauty of the song.