Friday, October 24, 2014

Chapter 3 - Vocabulary

These will not be on Monday's (10.27.14) quiz. 
1. Intensity

2. Grasp

3. Luxury

4. Genuinely

5. Glimpse

6. Strategy

7. Sanctioned

8. Altered

9. Mimic


  1. 1. Intensity-the quality of being intense

    2. Grasp-seize and hold firmly;get mental hold of

    3. Luxury-the state of great comfort and extravagant

    4. Genuinely-truly what something is said to be

    5. Glimpse-a sight of someone or something that you only have for a short time and that is not complete

    6. Strategy-a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim

    7. Sanctioned-to officially accept or allow something

    8. Altered-to change or make someone or something change

    9. Mimic-imitate
