Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanksgiving - Chapters 21-23 - Questions

Chapter Twenty-One
1. What clever strategy does Foxface employ at the feast?

2. What stops Clove from killing Katniss?

3. Why doesn't Thresh kill Katniss?

Chapter Twenty-Two

1. Why is Peeta's perspective on life different from Kat's and Gale's?

2. What did Peeta's father confide to him about Kat's mother?

3. What is Haymitch "looking for" from Katniss and Peeta?

Chapter Twenty-Three

1. According to Peeta and Katniss, how must Haymitch have won the Games?

2. What does Kat fear will happen if she wins?

3. How is Foxface killed?

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